Like most runners foot care is a key on your daily routine, you probably have your go to shoes and moisture resistant socks, you’ve been through the blisters, sores and lesions enough to know the importance of healthy feet to keep you running. Proper foot care goes beyond the footwear but on how you are taking care of your feet before during and after running. Feet can ache, blister, sweat, crack, peel, itch and smell but they are essential to keep you running. At Yoffee Care we have formulated some important tips to avoid common ailments runner are prone to.
1.- Moisturize
Everyone knows the importance of moisturized skin, unfortunately many people forget about their feet when it comes to moisturizing. Dry feet are more susceptible to chaffing, irritation and cracked heels. After the shower consider a specialized foot cream to lock in hydration, but make sure your feet are completely dried before lacing up to run.
2.- Stretching
You have heard it time and time again, the importance of stretching before and after a run! But it is just as important to stretch out your feet and toes as your calves and hamstrings. Targeted foot stretches in the toes and arches such as towel curls and toe-spreads can help prevent planter’s fasciitis.
3.- Fight toe fungus!
Athletes foot and other toe funguses are very common for runners and most go untreated for too long. Running creates the perfect breeding ground for fungi as your feet sweat within dark damp shoes. Take your runners off right after the run and wash your feel with an antibacterial wash, if you suspect nail fungus try and over the counter topical nail cream which can usually stop the problem before it progresses. One idea is to alternate between running shoes to ensure that they are fully dried before going out for your next run.
4.- Cool off your feet
Your feet take the most impact while running so your feet swell and get over heated. When you finish your run try and soak your feet in cold water or run cold water over them as soon as possible, especially after your long runs.
5.- Nail Care
Toe nails are a constant challenge for runners, whether they are black, bruised or missing they seem to be getting in the way. Some runners wear them as a badge of honor but in sandal season understandably some would prefer to keep their toenails as pristine as possible. Proper footwear and form is the most important in. Long nails can catch on the socks or rub against the shoe causing resulting in blackness from the blood beneath. Keep your nails short and clean with a straight line cut and remove any coarse edges. Occasionally, you should visit a pedicurist who has worked it with runners to clean up the cuticles and eliminate any potential problem areas.
6.- Watch out for Blisters
Blisters occur from the friction between the shoes and feet, when you feel a hot spot it could the formation of a blister, it is important to stop and adjust the shoes or socks before the problem gets worse. Preventative measures are always the best, use lubricant such as Vaseline or a targeted anti-chaffing product before you put on your socks.
7.- Orthotics
Its crucial to have good arch support if you are running distances, if you haven’t visited the podiatrist yet you should consider getting specialist insoles that work with your pronation and running form.
8.- Pedicure sets
Some runners want to keep and thicken calluses to avoid blisters but too much can cause problems down the road. Corns can become painful and cause blisters and problems in the fit of your shoes. It is important to routinely remove calluses and corns eliminating dead skin for a cleaner and healthier foot.
9.- Be aware of your diet!
Avoid inflammatory foods such as sugar and saturated fats and add more anti-inflammatory foods such as grean leafy vegetables to your diet. Inflammation is part of the muscles healing process in running however it slows the recover process, watching your diet you can help combat this.
10.- Rest!
Don’t forget to rest your feet. They are working hard for you. Foot trouble can halt your running completely, they are essential so don’t forget to give them a break every once in awhile.